Mattermost (the equivalent of SLACK) is now available as a service on PSNC premises. It is a part of an EUROfusion Standard Software stack.

How to check whether you can access it

If you are not sure whether you have access, please try to log in at the following page: and choose: EUROFusion IdP

If you do not now how to do it, follow the link:

If you don't have access read on down below the section: What if I don't have access to EUROfusion Standard Software stack?

How to configure Mattermost

  • Download Mattermost client for your system

  • Add EUROfusion based Mattermost server

Video material that shows how to do it:

  • You can now collaborate with other people who are EUROfusion members
  • You can create your own Teams to make your collaboration more efficient

Video material showing how to create teams and channels

What if I don't have access to EUROfusion Standard Software stack?

If you don't have access to EUROfusion Standard Software stack, you need to get access first.

  • Make sure Principle Investigator of your project already have access to PSNC resources

You probably have to ask him/her directly about that. In case your Principle Investigator doesn't have access, they need to create an account here: link

  • Once Principal Investigator has access to PSNC resource, he/she can request account creation for you

How to request access to EUROfusion Software Stack for team members: link

  • Once your account is created you should receive an e-mail with further instructions

What should I do if something is not working?

The best way to inform us about issues, problems is to use ticketing system: ACH-04 Support Tracker

If you can't access ticketing system, please write an e-mail to Daniel Figat ( and describe your issue. However, this way of reporting bugs should be used only in case you can't access EUROfusion Software Stack and have issues while acquiring the access.

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