Sources of the receipts (aka 'easyconfig' files)
EasyBuild built-in receipts
- Content: Generic software receipts
- Maintainer: EasyBuild
- Location:
- File system
- Path:
<software directory>/EasyBuild/<version>/easybuild/easyconfigs/
- Download:
- Not relevant. Files automatically downloaded while installing EB.
EasyBuild receipts repository
- Content: Generic software receipts
- Maintainer: EasyBuild
- Location:
- Download:
- git clone -b develop eb-develop
ITER repository of the IMAS receipts
- Content: IMAS and IMAS ecosystem software receipts
- Maintainer: ITER Organisation
- Location:
- URI: ssh://
- Download:
- Access: ITER account, repository access enabled
- git clone -b develop ssh:// repo-iter
'Limbo' of the IMAS receipts