Installing EasyBuild in Python virtual env
You should install EasyBuild using Python and venv (virtual environment).
Install EasyBuild using Python
You can use a different version of Python. Remember to purge
all unnecessary modules that can cause conflicts with new modules created by EasyBuild.
Installing EasyBuild using EasyBuild
EasyBuild can be installed not only within Python virtual environment, but also as EasyBuild created module.
So EasyBuild can be installed using EasyBuild
This approach is not recommended by EasyBuild authors but much more convenient for the users, that may use the publicly available EasyBuild
system module
# To install the latest version of EasyBuild as a module into $HOME/easybuild: eb --install-latest-eb-release --prefix $HOME/easybuild # Load installed software module load EasyBuild
Check EasyBuild documentation for details