GForge-NEXT - scheduled for shut down

Please note that GForge-NEXT service is scheduled for a definite termination by the end of 2022. Please make sure to switch to PSNC based GitLab installation:

If you want to learn more about GitLab installation at PSNC, take a look here: 000 - GitLab - where to look for the info

How to access

Go to and press button Log In to go to the login panel of service

I do not have account on

Register your new account

To register new accout choose Log In > Register, fill in all required information and wait for approval from the Administrator

It is important that your username is the same as your Gateway login (it starts with "g2")

 I have registered account 

The Administrator has not yet validated my account

Wait for confirmation from the Administrator and try to log in to service.
In case you have waited too long, write directly to:

My account has was confirmed by the Administrator

Try to log in to GForge using your password and login

I still have problems with accessing the service

Try to reset your password. GFroge will send you an email with a link to reset your password.
In case you have not received an email or the reset does not work, please contact:

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