1. How to quickly test SimDB tool?
module load itm-python/3.10 simdb simdb remote token new simdb remote list
2. How to install SimDB?
2.1. GW installation
In order not to overwrite installed python versions, it is recommended to use a virtual environment when installing the tool on GW
git clone ssh://git@git.iter.org/imex/simdb.git python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate cd simdb git checkout <VERSION_YOU_NEED> pip3 install -t <INSTALL_PATH> . pip3 install -t <INSTALL_PATH>/python/<PYTHON_VERSION> -r dev_requirements.txt
2.2. Default way of installation
git clone ssh://git@git.iter.org/imex/simdb.git cd simdb git checkout <VERSION_YOU_NEED> pip3 install -t <INSTALL_PATH> .
3. Developer guide
3.1. Running the tests
In the SimDB root directory run:
3.2. Running a development server
This will start a server on port 5000. You can test this server is running by opening htpp://localhost:5000 in a browser.