Configuration file

The configuration is located in the file $HOME/.config/easybuild/config.cfg. Create this file if it doesn't exist.

* System variables cannot be used in EB config file!!!
* Do not put string values in quotes !!!


Change the prefix to the path where do you want your installation.

All settings can be overwritten by command-line switches

ITER Access Token

HTTP access token is required to enable access to ITER GIT repositories

  • Go to ITER  Bitbucket (
  • "Manage Account" - press user icon (upper right corner)
  • "Http Access Token"
  • "Create Token"
  • Copy token to clipboard
  • Create a secret.txt  file in $HOME/.config/easybuild/ and paste the access token there

# Authorization: Bearer <user generated token>

Authorization: Bearer BBDC-NDg2MIUGE3MzczOrnadvgUHn1xfY0VtEpTdvyyn4HSaN0

To not be forced to add --http-header-fields-urlpat  option to the command-line, every time IMAS software is to be installed,

an entry can be added to [config]  section of the configuration file $HOME/.config/easybuild/config.cfg



http-header-fields-urlpat=^<path to config dir>/.config/easybuild/secret.txt


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