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I use two profilers:

cProfile -

line-profiler -


python  3.10:   module load itm-python/3.10 

line-profiler :  pip install line-profiler

gprof2dot : pip install gprof2dot 

How to run?

  1. Prepare a standard launch 
  2. Copy python directory from /gss_efgw_work/work/g2fjc/jintrac/v220922/python to some location on pfs for example: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python  (I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username)
  3. Change JINTRAC_PYTHON_DIR  in rjettov (430 line) to python directory on pfs from step 2
  4. Change run_python_driver (line 49) in /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python (I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username):
  5. cProfile :  mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u  -m cProfile -o /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/  mpi 
  6. line-profiler : mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u  -m kernprof -l /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/  mpi 
  7. When we use line-profiler we must add wrapper to profiling function. In this case we should add @profile  upper jintrac_imas_driver function in  : 

    function wrapper
    def jintrac_imas_driver(params, components, mpi='no'):
        """JINTRAC-IMAS generic workflow driver."""
  8. Run ./rjettov -S -I -p -x64 test v220922 g2fjc 

cProfile analysis

To read data from we need python script. We can use e.g.
import pstats
stats = pstats.Stats('')

This script print data sorted by tottime  column ( In tottime  column is total time spent in the given function (and excluding time made in calls to sub-functions)).  These are the first few lines of the result:

   Wed Nov 30 09:40:33 2022

         19379745 function calls (19376063 primitive calls) in 164.514 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        3   81.304   27.101   81.304   27.101 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_open_pulse}
  2891220   42.947    0.000   52.709    0.000 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_array}
  2497358   16.127    0.000   16.127    0.000 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_scalar}
  2899948    2.784    0.000    2.784    0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros}
   815194    2.391    0.000    2.391    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
   427578    1.225    0.000    2.589    0.000
   815196    1.015    0.000    7.988    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
   387616    0.876    0.000    2.809    0.000
   427578    0.848    0.000    0.848    0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
   427578    0.685    0.000    3.358    0.000
   387785    0.684    0.000    0.684    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}

Complete file is below:

text file

We can also make an image from data:

  1.  Install gprof2dot : pip install gprof2dot 
  2. run : python -m gprof2dot -f pstats | dot -Tsvg -o output.svg 

Example image looks like this ( output.svg is simplified image, output1.svg is complete image with full data):


Line-profiler analysis

To read data from  run:

  • python -m line_profiler .            

These are the first few lines of the results :

line-profiler result
Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 232.892 s
File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/
Function: jintrac_imas_driver at line 721

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   721                                           @profile
   722                                           def jintrac_imas_driver(params, components, mpi='no'):
   724                                               """JINTRAC-IMAS generic workflow driver."""
   726                                               # Workflow configuration parameters
   728         1          5.9      5.9      0.0      user_in = wf.string(params, "Input IDS user")
   729         1          2.3      2.3      0.0      machine_in = wf.string(params, "Input IDS machine")
   730         1          4.7      4.7      0.0      shot_in = wf.integer(params, "Input IDS shot")
   731         1          2.1      2.1      0.0      run_in = wf.integer(params, "Input IDS run")
   732         1          2.9      2.9      0.0      user_out = wf.string(params, "Output IDS user")
   733         1          2.6      2.6      0.0      machine_out = wf.string(params, "Output IDS machine")
   734         1          2.6      2.6      0.0      shot_out = wf.integer(params, "Output IDS shot")
   735         1          2.6      2.6      0.0      run_out = wf.integer(params, "Output IDS run")
   736         1         13.3     13.3      0.0      user_tmp = os.environ['HOME']+'/public/tempdb'

Complete file is below:

text file

Key lines from the results:

Key lines from line-profiler
Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   895         1   62545203.7 62545203.7     26.9      alenv = ALEnv(user_temp=user_tmp)
   917        22   49496025.7 2249819.4     21.3                  ids_bundle_input[ids_struct] = eval('DBentry.idsin.get("'+ids_struct+'")')
   922         1   83745046.9 83745046.9     36.0      tmpdict = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
   956         2    4665617.1 2332808.6      2.0                          ids_bundle_input[elem] = DBentry.idsin.get_slice(elem, tstart, 3)
   966         1    6353190.5 6353190.5      2.7      ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
   967         1    7884627.8 7884627.8      3.4      ids_bundle_updated = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
  1022         3   14539266.0 4846422.0      6.2          ids_bundle_prev[item] = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_work,imas_control.get_ids_sublist_updates(item))

Candidates for bottlenecks

From cProfile result  can see  that 85% execution time spend on imas functions. Function ual_open_pulse  was called only 3 times. It execution time is 27s. Functions ual_read_data_array  and ual_read_data_scalar was called more than 2 milions times. 

From line-profiler we can see, that  spends a lot of time in lins with functioin bundle_copy. This function call imas functions. A lot of time is also taken up by functions calls with DBentry. 

Possible ways to speed up

  • Reducing number of calls: ual_open_pulse, ual_read_data_array, ual_read_data_scalar

Summary of July Profiling (HFD5)


JINTRAC version to use with HDF5 (latest AL) on GW
module use /pfs/work/g2fjc/jintrac/v120523/modules
module load jintrac
module use /pfs/g2fjc/cmg/jams/v230123/modules
module load jams
(Create test case data)
idscp -u g2pmanas --database west -si 54762 -so 54762 -ri 123 -ro 123 -bo HDF5

Line Profiler

Key lines from the results:

Key lines from the results
Timer unit: 1e-06 s
Total time: 155.404 s
File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/
Function: jintrac_imas_driver at line 735

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   957        22   44253622.5 2011528.3     28.5           ids_bundle_input[ids_struct] = eval('DBentry.idsin.get("'+ids_struct+'")')
   962         1   46906374.5 46906374.5     30.2          tmpdict = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
   996         2    5116586.7 2558293.3      3.3           ids_bundle_input[elem] = DBentry.idsin.get_slice(elem, tstart, interp_value)
  1011         1    3447098.9 3447098.9      2.2           ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
  1012         1    4400338.9 4400338.9      2.8           ids_bundle_updated = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
  1067         3    6886544.4 2295514.8      4.4           ids_bundle_prev[item] = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_work,imas_control.get_ids_sublist_updates(item))
  1099         3   29669430.5 9889810.2     19.1           ids_bundle_updated_tmp = eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)
  1105        11    4863627.8 442148.0      3.1            ids_bundle_updated[ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct])
  1106        11    3643527.1 331229.7      2.3            ids_bundle_prev[item][ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct])
  1114         1    4798639.4 4798639.4      3.1           ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_updated)

Total time: 12.4112 s
File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/
Function: jetto_wrapper at line 304
Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   323         1          0.7      0.7      0.0      out_prof, out_src, out_trans, out_equil, out_summ, out_num, out_work \
   324         1    8768238.1 8768238.1     70.6                = jetto(in_prof, in_src, in_trans, in_equil, in_nbi,
   325         1          0.3      0.3      0.0                        in_pel, in_pulse, in_contr, in_summ, in_num, in_work)
   367         1    3589306.4 3589306.4     28.9      out_ids_bundle = bundle_copy(in_ids_bundle_work)

Complete file is below:

text file


Key lines from the results
Wed Jul  5 09:31:02 2023

         207387232 function calls (178651380 primitive calls) in 151.148 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
26076870/927   40.102    0.000   82.859    0.089
  3356451   24.272    0.000   36.639    0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_array}
778014/927    9.056    0.000   82.841    0.089
 53709341    7.111    0.000    7.111    0.000 {method 'get' of 'dict' objects}
        1    5.916    5.916    7.367    7.367
  2959395    4.441    0.000    4.441    0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_scalar}
  4441187    4.234    0.000    4.234    0.000 {method '__deepcopy__' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
1556028/927    4.081    0.000   82.851    0.089
  7099231    3.948    0.000    5.721    0.000
 35834998    3.774    0.000    3.774    0.000 {built-in method}
  3398693    3.110    0.000    3.110    0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros}
  1005851    3.045    0.000    3.045    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
 18974180    2.106    0.000    2.106    0.000
  1556028    1.918    0.000    1.921    0.000 {method '__reduce_ex__' of 'object' objects}
  8578377    1.660    0.000    1.660    0.000 {built-in method builtins.getattr}
   134159    1.607    0.000    1.607    0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_begin_arraystruct_action}
   509900    1.504    0.000    3.231    0.000
  1005853    1.383    0.000   10.248    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
        1    1.212    1.212  151.202  151.202<module>)
  1274146    1.140    0.000    1.140    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
   495951    1.116    0.000    3.696    0.000
   509900    1.051    0.000    1.051    0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}

Complete file is below:

text file

Possible bottlenecks

  • Process of copying data ( bundle_copy , copyValues ).
  • eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)  and eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)  take almost half of function time

Testing HDF5


HDF5_BACKEND_READ_CACHE [MB]  jintrac_imas_driverjetto_wrapperjintrac_imas_driverjetto_wrapper
getslice interpolationoffoffonon
 16154.65612.3905152.87  12.3117
 24150.91312.283  155.46912.7765
 28153.99112.5123153.11  12.3468
 72153.52  12.4294149.75712.1072
 92151.40312.317  149.20712.0798
108151.51  12.3496152.04912.2785
128153.5  12.2201154.23113.1112
172152.76612.4294153.34  12.2264




Line profiler
Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 155.743 s
File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/
Function: jintrac_imas_driver at line 735

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   896         1    1638364.1 1638364.1      1.1                  status, idx_out = DBentry.idsout.create()  # idx_out points to output IDS file index
   957        22   50742304.5 2306468.4     32.6                      ids_bundle_input[ids_struct] = eval('DBentry.idsin.get("'+ids_struct+'")')
   962         1   45878227.2 45878227.2     29.5          tmpdict = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
   996         2    3193050.2 1596525.1      2.1                              ids_bundle_input[elem] = DBentry.idsin.get_slice(elem, tstart, interp_value)
  1011         1    3399663.8 3399663.8      2.2      ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
  1012         1    4340984.3 4340984.3      2.8      ids_bundle_updated = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input)
  1067         3    6779104.9 2259701.6      4.4          ids_bundle_prev[item] = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_work,imas_control.get_ids_sublist_updates(item))
  1199         3   25454536.5 8484845.5     16.3                  ids_bundle_updated_tmp = eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)
  1105        11    4817487.6 437953.4      3.1                              ids_bundle_updated[ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct])
  1106        11    3587909.3 326173.6      2.3                              ids_bundle_prev[item][ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct])
  1114         1    4769085.3 4769085.3      3.1          ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_updated)

Total time: 12.4592 s
File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/
Function: jetto_wrapper at line 304

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   323         1          1.3      1.3      0.0      out_prof, out_src, out_trans, out_equil, out_summ, out_num, out_work \
   324         1    8958798.8 8958798.8     71.9                = jetto(in_prof, in_src, in_trans, in_equil, in_nbi,
   325         1          0.2      0.2      0.0                        in_pel, in_pulse, in_contr, in_summ, in_num, in_work)
   367         1    3459717.4 3459717.4     27.8      out_ids_bundle = bundle_copy(in_ids_bundle_work)

Complete file is below:

text file


Thu Jul 20 14:45:51 2023

         207169007 function calls (178433155 primitive calls) in 153.082 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
26076870/927   40.886    0.000   83.306    0.090
  3356451   22.884    0.000   35.138    0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_3._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_array}
778014/927    8.909    0.000   83.288    0.090
  2959395    8.181    0.000    8.181    0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_3._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_scalar}
 53709341    6.903    0.000    6.903    0.000 {method 'get' of 'dict' objects}
        1    5.946    5.946    7.387    7.387
  4441187    4.289    0.000    4.289    0.000 {method '__deepcopy__' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
1556028/927    4.099    0.000   83.298    0.090
  7099231    3.986    0.000    5.677    0.000
 35834998    3.833    0.000    3.833    0.000 {built-in method}
  3398693    2.945    0.000    2.945    0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros}
   987875    2.815    0.000    2.815    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
 18974180    2.163    0.000    2.163    0.000
  1556028    1.704    0.000    1.707    0.000 {method '__reduce_ex__' of 'object' objects}
  8542427    1.672    0.000    1.672    0.000 {built-in method builtins.getattr}
   495951    1.465    0.000    4.334    0.000
  1274146    1.441    0.000    1.441    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
   491924    1.422    0.000    3.040    0.000
        1    1.277    1.277  153.141  153.141<module>)
   987877    1.196    0.000   10.454    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
   491924    1.001    0.000    1.001    0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}

Complete file is below:

text file

Partial_get vs get

IDS :: Core_profiles

The test is checking the time differences between fetching  whole IDS  using get and fetching IDS  in parts using partial_get .

source code of patial_get vs get test
import sys
import numpy
import os
import time
import imas

user = os.environ['USER']
imasVersion = os.environ['IMAS_VERSION'][:1]
database = 'test'
backendtype = 'HDF5'
machine_in = "west"

ids_in = imas.DBEntry(13, "west", 54762, 1, user_name="/pfs/work/g2pbloch/jetto/runs/test/imasdb")

start_partial = time.time()
rho_tor_norm = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/grid/rho_tor_norm(:)")
core_profiles_profiles_1d_zeff = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles", "profiles_1d(:)/zeff(:)")
rho_tor_norm = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/grid/rho_tor_norm(:)")
q = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/q(:)")
density_thermal = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/electrons.density_thermal(:)")
temperature = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/electrons/temperature(:)")
ion = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/ion")
t_i_average = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/t_i_average(:)")
zeff = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles" ,"profiles_1d(:)/zeff(:)")
rotation_frequency_tor_sonic = ids_in.partial_get("core_profiles", "profiles_1d(:)/rotation_frequency_tor_sonic")
end_partial = time.time()

start_get = time.time()
core_profiles = ids_in.get("core_profiles")
end_get = time.time()

print(f"partial_get: {end_partial - start_partial}, get : { end_get - start_get}")

The time gain is small, just below 1 second, for the entire duration of about 24 seconds:

partial_get: 23.91968011856079, get : 24.872377157211304

IDS :: equilibrium

Testing description

I couldn't retrieve the data using, for example: equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiesip = ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", "time_slice(:)/global_quantities/ip")  because I was getting the following error: ERROR: [time_slice] AoS internal field(s) cannot be returned in non-homogeneous mode for more than one AoS index . Due to this, I had to iterate and retrieve the data for each time separately.

When it comes to get_slice , I retrieve timestamps using partial_get . Then, for each timestamp, I fetch a segment using get_slice  and apply imas.imasdef.LINEAR_INTERP  interpolation.

partial_get vs get
import sys
import numpy
import os
import time
import imas
def run():	
	user = os.environ['USER']
	imasVersion = os.environ['IMAS_VERSION'][:1]
	database = 'test'
	backendtype = 'HDF5'
	machine_in = "west"
	ids_in = imas.DBEntry(13, "west", 54762, 1, user_name="/pfs/work/g2pbloch/jetto/runs/test/imasdb")
	start_partial = time.time()
	eq_time = ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", "time(:)")
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiesip  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/global_quantities/ip") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiespsi_axis  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/global_quantities/psi_axis") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiespsi_boundary  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/global_quantities/psi_boundary") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiesmagnetic_axisr  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/global_quantities/magnetic_axis/r") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeglobal_quantitiesmagnetic_axisz  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/global_quantities/magnetic_axis/z") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeprofiles_1drho_tor_norm  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/profiles_1d/rho_tor_norm(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeprofiles_1dpsi  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/profiles_1d/psi(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeboundaryoutliner  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/boundary/outline/r(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeboundarylcfsr  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/boundary/lcfs/r(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeboundaryoutlinez  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/boundary/outline/z(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeboundarylcfsz  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/boundary/lcfs/z(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeprofiles_2d1psi  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/profiles_2d(1)/psi(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeprofiles_2d1griddim1  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/profiles_2d(1)/grid/dim1(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	equilibriumtime_sliceitimeprofiles_2d1griddim2  =  [ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", f"time_slice({i})/profiles_2d(1)/grid/dim2(:)") for i in range(len(eq_time))]
	end_partial = time.time()
	start_get = time.time()
	equilibrium = ids_in.get("equilibrium")
	end_get = time.time()
	print(f"partial_get: {end_partial - start_partial}, get : {end_get - start_get}")
if __name__ == "__main__":

import sys
import numpy
import os
import time
import imas

def run():	
	user = os.environ['USER']
	imasVersion = os.environ['IMAS_VERSION'][:1]
	database = 'test'
	backendtype = 'HDF5'
	machine_in = "west"
	ids_in = imas.DBEntry(13, "west", 54762, 1, user_name="/pfs/work/g2pbloch/jetto/runs/test/imasdb")
	eq_time = ids_in.partial_get("equilibrium", "time(:)")
	get_slice_start = time.time()
	data = [ids_in.get_slice("equilibrium", t, imas.imasdef.LINEAR_INTERP) for t in eq_time]
	get_slice_end = time.time()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Time result

  • partial_get without profiles_2d  : 4.72s
  • partial_get with profiles_2d : 9.682  ( profiles_2d(1)/psi: 3.6s , profiles_2d(1)/grid/dim1  : 0.76s , profiles_2d(1)/grid/dim2 : 0.7s)  
  • get : 7.47s
  • get_slice : 718 s

The scientific work is published for the realization of the international project co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2019 from financial resources of the program entitled "PMW"; Agreement No. 5040/H2020/Euratom/2019/2

This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2020 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission or ITER

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