Table of Contents
I use two profilers:
cProfile -
line-profiler -
python 3.10: module load itm-python/3.10
line-profiler : pip install line-profiler
gprof2dot : pip install gprof2dot
How to run?
- Prepare a standard launch
- Copy
directory from/gss_efgw_work/work/g2fjc/jintrac/v220922/python
to some location onpfs
for example:/pfs/work/g2pbloch/python
(I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username) - Change
in rjettov (430 line) to python directory on pfs from step 2 - Change
run_python_driver (line 49)
(I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username): - cProfile :
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u -m cProfile -o /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/ mpi
- line-profiler :
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u -m kernprof -l /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/ mpi
When we use line-profiler we must add wrapper to profiling function. In this case we should add
:function wrapper@profile def jintrac_imas_driver(params, components, mpi='no'): """JINTRAC-IMAS generic workflow driver."""
- Run
./rjettov -S -I -p -x64 test v220922 g2fjc
cProfile analysis
To read data from we need python script. We can use e.g.
import pstats stats = pstats.Stats('') stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats(pstats.SortKey.TIME).print_stats()
This script print data sorted by tottime
column ( In tottime
column is total time spent in the given function (and excluding time made in calls to sub-functions)). These are the first few lines of the result:
Wed Nov 30 09:40:33 2022 19379745 function calls (19376063 primitive calls) in 164.514 seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 3 81.304 27.101 81.304 27.101 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_open_pulse} 2891220 42.947 0.000 52.709 0.000 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_array} 2497358 16.127 0.000 16.127 0.000 {imas_3_37_0_ual_4_11_0._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_scalar} 2899948 2.784 0.000 2.784 0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros} 815194 2.391 0.000 2.391 0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects} 427578 1.225 0.000 2.589 0.000 815196 1.015 0.000 7.988 0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function} 387616 0.876 0.000 2.809 0.000 427578 0.848 0.000 0.848 0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects} 427578 0.685 0.000 3.358 0.000 387785 0.684 0.000 0.684 0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
Complete file is below:
We can also make an image from data:
- Install gprof2dot :
pip install gprof2dot
- run :
python -m gprof2dot -f pstats | dot -Tsvg -o output.svg
Example image looks like this ( output.svg is simplified image, output1.svg is complete image with full data):
Line-profiler analysis
To read data from
python -m line_profiler
These are the first few lines of the results :
Timer unit: 1e-06 s Total time: 232.892 s File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/ Function: jintrac_imas_driver at line 721 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 721 @profile 722 def jintrac_imas_driver(params, components, mpi='no'): 723 724 """JINTRAC-IMAS generic workflow driver.""" 725 726 # Workflow configuration parameters 727 728 1 5.9 5.9 0.0 user_in = wf.string(params, "Input IDS user") 729 1 2.3 2.3 0.0 machine_in = wf.string(params, "Input IDS machine") 730 1 4.7 4.7 0.0 shot_in = wf.integer(params, "Input IDS shot") 731 1 2.1 2.1 0.0 run_in = wf.integer(params, "Input IDS run") 732 1 2.9 2.9 0.0 user_out = wf.string(params, "Output IDS user") 733 1 2.6 2.6 0.0 machine_out = wf.string(params, "Output IDS machine") 734 1 2.6 2.6 0.0 shot_out = wf.integer(params, "Output IDS shot") 735 1 2.6 2.6 0.0 run_out = wf.integer(params, "Output IDS run") 736 1 13.3 13.3 0.0 user_tmp = os.environ['HOME']+'/public/tempdb'
Complete file is below:
Key lines from the results:
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents 895 1 62545203.7 62545203.7 26.9 alenv = ALEnv(user_temp=user_tmp) 917 22 49496025.7 2249819.4 21.3 ids_bundle_input[ids_struct] = eval('DBentry.idsin.get("'+ids_struct+'")') 922 1 83745046.9 83745046.9 36.0 tmpdict = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 956 2 4665617.1 2332808.6 2.0 ids_bundle_input[elem] = DBentry.idsin.get_slice(elem, tstart, 3) 966 1 6353190.5 6353190.5 2.7 ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 967 1 7884627.8 7884627.8 3.4 ids_bundle_updated = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 1022 3 14539266.0 4846422.0 6.2 ids_bundle_prev[item] = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_work,imas_control.get_ids_sublist_updates(item))
Candidates for bottlenecks
From cProfile result can see that 85% execution time spend on imas functions. Function ual_open_pulse
was called only 3 times. It execution time is 27s. Functions ual_read_data_array and ual_read_data_scalar was called more than 2 milions times.
From line-profiler we can see, that spends a lot of time in lins with functioin bundle_copy. This function call imas functions. A lot of time is also taken up by functions calls with DBentry.
Possible ways to speed up
Reducing number of calls: ual_open_pulse, ual_read_data_array, ual_read_data_scalar
Summary of July Profiling (HFD5)
module use /pfs/work/g2fjc/jintrac/v120523/modules module load jintrac export JINTRAC_IMAS_BACKEND=HDF5 module use /pfs/g2fjc/cmg/jams/v230123/modules module load jams (Create test case data) idscp -u g2pmanas --database west -si 54762 -so 54762 -ri 123 -ro 123 -bo HDF5 (path) /pfs/work/g2fjc/jetto/runs/runmemleak_v120523_np1_z0_1ms
Line Profiler
Key lines from the results:
Timer unit: 1e-06 s Total time: 155.404 s File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/ Function: jintrac_imas_driver at line 735 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 957 22 44253622.5 2011528.3 28.5 ids_bundle_input[ids_struct] = eval('DBentry.idsin.get("'+ids_struct+'")') 962 1 46906374.5 46906374.5 30.2 tmpdict = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 996 2 5116586.7 2558293.3 3.3 ids_bundle_input[elem] = DBentry.idsin.get_slice(elem, tstart, interp_value) 1011 1 3447098.9 3447098.9 2.2 ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 1012 1 4400338.9 4400338.9 2.8 ids_bundle_updated = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_input) 1067 3 6886544.4 2295514.8 4.4 ids_bundle_prev[item] = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_work,imas_control.get_ids_sublist_updates(item)) 1099 3 29669430.5 9889810.2 19.1 ids_bundle_updated_tmp = eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args) 1105 11 4863627.8 442148.0 3.1 ids_bundle_updated[ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct]) 1106 11 3643527.1 331229.7 2.3 ids_bundle_prev[item][ids_struct].copyValues(ids_bundle_updated_tmp[ids_struct]) 1114 1 4798639.4 4798639.4 3.1 ids_bundle_work = bundle_copy(ids_bundle_updated) Total time: 12.4112 s File: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/jintrac/python/ Function: jetto_wrapper at line 304 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 323 1 0.7 0.7 0.0 out_prof, out_src, out_trans, out_equil, out_summ, out_num, out_work \ 324 1 8768238.1 8768238.1 70.6 = jetto(in_prof, in_src, in_trans, in_equil, in_nbi, 325 1 0.3 0.3 0.0 in_pel, in_pulse, in_contr, in_summ, in_num, in_work) 367 1 3589306.4 3589306.4 28.9 out_ids_bundle = bundle_copy(in_ids_bundle_work)
Complete file is below:
Wed Jul 5 09:31:02 2023 207387232 function calls (178651380 primitive calls) in 151.148 seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 26076870/927 40.102 0.000 82.859 0.089 3356451 24.272 0.000 36.639 0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_array} 778014/927 9.056 0.000 82.841 0.089 53709341 7.111 0.000 7.111 0.000 {method 'get' of 'dict' objects} 1 5.916 5.916 7.367 7.367 2959395 4.441 0.000 4.441 0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_read_data_scalar} 4441187 4.234 0.000 4.234 0.000 {method '__deepcopy__' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects} 1556028/927 4.081 0.000 82.851 0.089 7099231 3.948 0.000 5.721 0.000 35834998 3.774 0.000 3.774 0.000 {built-in method} 3398693 3.110 0.000 3.110 0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros} 1005851 3.045 0.000 3.045 0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects} 18974180 2.106 0.000 2.106 0.000 1556028 1.918 0.000 1.921 0.000 {method '__reduce_ex__' of 'object' objects} 8578377 1.660 0.000 1.660 0.000 {built-in method builtins.getattr} 134159 1.607 0.000 1.607 0.000 {imas_3_38_1_ual_4_11_4._ual_lowlevel.ual_begin_arraystruct_action} 509900 1.504 0.000 3.231 0.000 1005853 1.383 0.000 10.248 0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function} 1 1.212 1.212 151.202 151.202<module>) 1274146 1.140 0.000 1.140 0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects} 495951 1.116 0.000 3.696 0.000 509900 1.051 0.000 1.051 0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
Complete file is below:
Testing HDF5
|a |a|a |a|a|
| 4 | 241.739 | 12.9481 | 230.008 | 12.136 | | 8 | 234.774 | 12.3213 | 228.837 | 12.1292 | | 12 | 168.333 | 13.0729 | 148.889 | 12.0893 | | 16 | 154.656 | 12.3905 | 152.87 | 12.3117 | | 20 | 152.988 | 12.4138 | 155.945 | 12.4595 | | 24 | 150.913 | 12.283 | 155.469 | 12.7765 | | 28 | 153.991 | 12.5123 | 153.11 | 12.3468 | | 32 | 153.903 | 12.4356 | 149.575 | 12.1548 | | 36 | 159.225 | 12.6422 | 151.492 | 12.1888 | | 40 | 149.549 | 12.2838 | 152.926 | 12.207 | | 44 | 158.385 | 12.5754 | 154.827 | 12.266 | | 48 | 153.306 | 12.3843 | 152.786 | 12.3101 | | 52 | 150.771 | 12.3464 | 151.305 | 12.1539 | | 56 | 165.846 | 13.0865 | 153.383 | 12.2905 | | 60 | 153.729 | 12.6542 | 155.563 | 12.4427 | | 64 | 161.231 | 12.5552 | 151.229 | 12.2685 | | 68 | 154.142 | 12.4402 | 148.697 | 12.0926 | | 72 | 153.52 | 12.4294 | 149.757 | 12.1072 | | 76 | 149.982 | 12.3277 | 151.765 | 12.2017 | | 80 | 155.473 | 12.6245 | 151.903 | 12.2647 | | 84 | 150.118 | 12.2872 | 152.894 | 12.2489 | | 88 | 149.918 | 12.2017 | 154.456 | 12.285 | | 92 | 151.403 | 12.317 | 149.207 | 12.0798 | | 96 | 150.825 | 12.3905 | 152.792 | 12.2197 | | 100 | 149.834 | 12.6997 | 147.859 | 12.0551 | | 104 | 150.326 | 12.3421 | 148.031 | 12.062 | | 108 | 151.51 | 12.3496 | 152.049 | 12.2785 | | 112 | 155.506 | 12.4702 | 154.526 | 12.3407 | | 116 | 153.662 | 12.4152 | 153.498 | 12.2769 | | 120 | 158.311 | 12.7339 | 148.607 | 12.1153 | | 124 | 154.864 | 12.2361 | 156.592 | 12.5044 | | 128 | 153.5 | 12.2201 | 154.231 | 13.1112 | | 132 | 152.191 | 12.3723 | 156.739 | 12.4632 | | 136 | 160.911 | 12.5815 | 152.368 | 12.3718 | | 140 | 159.165 | 12.8561 | 149.531 | 12.1498 | | 144 | 153.646 | 12.4145 | 151.239 | 12.1133 | | 148 | 149.434 | 12.3417 | 147.887 | 11.9921 | | 152 | 151.505 | 12.3484 | 151.848 | 12.4215 | | 156 | 151.068 | 12.3288 | 156.421 | 12.4458 | | 160 | 152.951 | 12.4558 | 155.213 | 12.4617 | | 164 | 149.566 | 12.2848 | 151.589 | 12.2744 | | 168 | 151.872 | 12.4422 | 151.654 | 12.4456 | | 172 | 152.766 | 12.4294 | 153.34 | 12.2264 | | 176 | 151.982 | 12.4162 | 149.911 | 12.254 | | 180 | 152.768 | 12.4248 | 156.015 | 12.3302 | | 184 | 148.166 | 12.2076 | 149.323 | 12.2971 | | 188 | 153.493 | 12.4229 | 153.415 | 13.0557 | | 192 | 153.968 | 12.3694 | 157.029 | 12.4348 | | 196 | 152.465 | 12.3764 | 154.288 | 12.2881 | | 200 | 149.238 | 12.2266 | 154.713 | 12.3013 |
Possible bottlenecks
- Process of copying data (
). eval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)
andeval(imas_control.get_wrapper(item) + args)
take almost half of function time