Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

# Container image

-   Images are binary files containing all the data and metadata
    required to start the container
-   They can be built locally or downloaded from remote locations
-   The most common standard is the Docker image format

## Docker image format

-   Docker image is a `tar` archive with metadata and *layers*

-   Each layer consists of its own metadata and another `tar` archive
    with the set of changes the layer introduces

-   The first metadata file in the image is `manifest.json`:

    ``` json
        "Config": "f63181f19b2fe819156dcb068b3b5bc036820bec7014c5f77277cfa341d4cb5e.json",
        "RepoTags": [
        "Layers": [

-   It contains:

    -   `Config` -- path to configuration file (architecture
        requirements, etc.),
    -   `RepoTags` -- the list of tags used,
    -   `Layers` -- paths to `tar` files containing layer information

## OCI image format

-   An alternative format was proposed by OCI (*Open Container

-   It is also a `tar` archive containing metadata and layers in the
    form of embedded `tar` archives

-   The first metadata file is `index.json`:

    ``` json
      "schemaVersion": 2,
      "manifests": [
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
          "digest": "sha256:7ad481b55901a1b5472c0e1b3fbf0bf2867dc38feb6eb7a18cd310f00208e05c",
          "size": 658

-   The manifest contains paths to configuration and layers:

    ``` json
      "schemaVersion": 2,
      "config": {
        "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
        "digest": "sha256:10bdc2317d43a5421151e135881e172002c7d61e934de7e1e79df560a151f112",
        "size": 2427
      "layers": [
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip",
          "digest": "sha256:f3f8f4bd7c131f4d967bc162207ab72c24f427915682f895eb4f793ad05d7e35",
          "size": 29989546
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip",
          "digest": "sha256:0188b501936213b7cd0b5333245960781a8b035249cfa427fe9a229fe557c624",
          "size": 924
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip",
          "digest": "sha256:db861e57845ea7ba52a2ac277abbdd8cd04bda5db69c49bf95be49d11e5a47e1",
          "size": 202

## Local vs remote

-   Both formats describe how the image is stored as a *local file*

-   When transferring the image from remote server, the client asks for
    a list of layers, then checks its cache contents and finally
    downloads only the missing layers

-   This allows to reuse layers in images depending on each other

-   For example:

    -   Let's say image `A` is based on `ubuntu`
    -   Image `B` extends `A` by adding Python executable on top
    -   Image `C` also extends `A`, but it adds Apache HTTP server
    -   A first-time user of `B` image will download layers from
        `ubuntu`, then from `A` and finally from `B`
    -   When he/she wants to use `C` image, only the layers with Apache
        HTTP server will be downloaded as all previous are still in

# Building container images

-   The most straightforward approach is by using the [`Dockerfile`
-   The `Dockerfile` is a text file with commands describing the recipe
    to build the image
-   The first command is `FROM <image>` which instructs what to base the
    image on
-   The `RUN <command>` executes a command in the builder context
-   The `CMD <command>` configures the default command a container will
    run upon creation
-   The `EXPOSE <port>` adds metadata about a port a service inside the
    image will listen on (**Important!** The container creator decided
    which ports to publish and how. Exposing a port in `Dockerfile`
    serves as a form of documentation.)
-   The `ENV <key>=<value>` sets environment variables' values
-   The `COPY <src> <dest>` allows to copy files from the host to the
-   The `WORKDIR <dir>` sets the current working directory as seen
    inside the container
-   The `ARG <name>=<default>` configures a build-time argument that can
    be changed by the image builder

## Example

-   Contents of `index.html`:

    ``` html
    <h1>Hello World from Docker!</h1>

-   Contents of `Dockerfile`:

    ``` dockerfile
    FROM ubuntu
    ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    COPY index.html /var/www/html/index.html
    RUN apt-get update -y
    RUN apt-get install -y apache2
    EXPOSE 80
    CMD ["/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-DFOREGROUND"]

# Optimization

-   The layer system allows caching, but it also has its consequences
    you need to be aware of

-   **Scenario 1**. Image `A` creates `/bigfile`, image `B` extending
    `A` deletes it. This fact is merely masked -- i.e. the user of `B`
    will not see `/bigfile`, but the file will still be part of image
    `B` and it will still take a lot of space

-   **Scenario 2**. One of the layers contains secrets (passwords,
    unencrypted private keys, etc.), the next layers delete them. Even
    though the secretes are not directly available, one can extract
    `tar` archives of every layer and get access to them anyway

-   In `Dockerfile`, each command creates a separate layer, so you
    should usually do this:

    -   Combine subsequent `RUN` commands:

        ``` diff
        -RUN touch /test1
        -RUN date > /test2
        +RUN touch /test1 && date > /test2

    -   In a combined `RUN`, make sure to delete all temporary files:

        ``` diff
        -RUN apt-get update -y
        -RUN apt-get install -y git
        -RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        +RUN apt-get update -y \
        + && apt-get install -y git \
        + && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

        ``` diff
        -RUN curl URL > archive.tar
        -RUN tar xf archive.tar
        -RUN rm archive.tar
        +RUN curl URL | tar x

-   Building procedure also makes use of caching

-   **Scenario 1**:

    -   Layer 1: Install Apache HTTP server
    -   Layer 2: Copy `index.html`

-   **Scenario 2**:

    -   Layer 1: Copy `index.html`
    -   Layer 2: Install Apache HTTP server

-   Both scenarios will create equivalent images, but if you change
    `index.html`, then in **Scenario 2** both layers will be rebuilt,
    while in **Scenario 1** only the second one

-   A good practice is to order the layers according to probability of
    being changed (the more probable, the later should it be)

## Example after optimization

``` dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update -y \
    && apt-get install -y \
        apache2 \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
CMD ["/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-DFOREGROUND"]
COPY index.html /var/www/html/index.html

# Multi-stage Dockerfiles

-   Sometimes to build an image you need to generate the resources
    e.g. compile and build a JAR file from a Java project

-   In such cases, usually the source codes and a set of tools required
    to process them is not necessary in the final image

-   To optimize the image, you could try performing the following in **a
    single `RUN` command**:

    -   Transfer source codes
    -   Install build-time dependencies (compilers, etc.)
    -   Build everything
    -   Transfer the generated resource to its final destination
    -   Remove all immediate files

-   This is a lot to be done in a single command, so it is prone to
    errors and hard to debug

-   To overcome this, you can use multi-stage building, which is like
    building multiple images simultaneously and freely transferring
    files between them

-   Each stage starts with its own `FROM <image> AS <stage>` command

-   You can copy files between images created in separate stages using
    `COPY --from=<stage>` syntax

## Example

-   Contents of `hello.go`:

    ``` go
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("hello world")

-   Contents of `Dockerfile`:

    ``` dockerfile
    FROM golang AS builder
    COPY hello.go hello.go
    RUN go build hello.go

    FROM ubuntu
    COPY --from=builder /go/hello /usr/bin/hello
    CMD /usr/bin/hello

# BuildKit

-   Starting with version 18.09, Docker is shipped with two build
    engines: the legacy one (used by default) and [the

-   To use the new engine, you have to set the following environment
    variable `DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1`

-   The new engine has the following advantages:

    -   Independent stages' steps are executed in parallel

    -   You can pass private SSH keys to the build process and be sure
        they do not end up in any layer or metadata:

        ``` dockerfile
        RUN --mount=type=ssh <command>

        ``` sh
        docker build --ssh default .

    -   Similarly, you can pass any secrets to the build process:

        ``` dockerfile
        RUN --mount=type=secret,id=mysecret cat /run/secrets/mysecret

        ``` sh
        docker build --secret id=mysecret,src=file.txt .

-   And the following disadvantage:

    -   It is harder to debug problems

# Debugging (legacy engine)

-   Many things might go wrong during Docker image preparation
-   When building with the legacy engine, each command in Dockerfile
    creates a layer, which gets stored under unique id
-   If something goes wrong, you can instantiate an interactive
    container from the last layer that was built successfully and look
    for clues

## Example

-   Contents of `Dockerfile`

    ``` dockerfile
    FROM alpine
    RUN date > /tmp/build-date.txt
    RUN cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt

-   Results of `docker build .`:

        Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
        Step 1/3 : FROM alpine
         ---> 14119a10abf4
        Step 2/3 : RUN date > /tmp/build-date.txt
         ---> Running in 3fe480f490d7
        Removing intermediate container 3fe480f490d7
         ---> 7eadcff6ea01
        Step 3/3 : RUN cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt
         ---> Running in 7cba04ecd3e3
        cat: can't open '/tmp/build-dat.txt': No such file or directory
        The command '/bin/sh -c cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt' returned a non-zero code: 1

-   The result of `FROM` command is stored as `14119a10abf4`

-   The result of the first `RUN` command is stored as `7eadcff6ea01`

-   The second `RUN` fails, so you debug it by starting an interactive
    container (the `-it` switch):

    ``` sh
    docker run -it 7eadcff6ea01

-   Now you can try to execute the command that failed:
    `cat /tmp/build-dat.txt`

-   Then figure out why it failed, what could cause it, etc.

# Debugging (BuildKit)

-   With BuildKit layers are no longer stored after each command in the
-   To improve performance, BuildKit only stores the image when a stage
    is finished
-   To debug problems, you have to abuse this rule and introduce
    artificial stage beginnings and ends

## Example

-   For the same `Dockerfile` as before, with BuildKit you will see this
    output (for TTY output style `plain` configured by running
    `docker build --progress plain .`):

        #2 [internal] load .dockerignore
        #2 sha256:28b059ecac284a33ba98daa285c6a068d86485b54afc2e67f18e2bd1640d871a
        #2 transferring context: 2B done
        #2 DONE 0.1s

        #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
        #1 sha256:cbd3d6400308afcf33c0910b894d2e44156fc4127a0db290d19df5a4e8eae37e
        #1 transferring dockerfile: 37B done
        #1 DONE 0.3s

        #3 [internal] load metadata for
        #3 sha256:d4fb25f5b5c00defc20ce26f2efc4e288de8834ed5aa59dff877b495ba88fda6
        #3 DONE 0.0s

        #4 [1/3] FROM
        #4 sha256:665ba8b2cdc0cb0200e2a42a6b3c0f8f684089f4cd1b81494fbb9805879120f7
        #4 CACHED

        #5 [2/3] RUN date > /tmp/build-date.txt
        #5 sha256:684d70446f71e64256b21f59555e6fedc1eac55780675519af54f9e174fd16e1
        #5 DONE 1.2s

        #6 [3/3] RUN cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt
        #6 sha256:bde8a93c3b05727094dd3d24e010c506f451a33718cc07f32f4e6b1ccab0b645
        #6 0.925 cat: can't open '/tmp/build-dat.txt': No such file or directory
        #6 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt]: exit code: 1
         > [3/3] RUN cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt:
        executor failed running [/bin/sh -c cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt]: exit code: 1

-   Although you can notice lines starting with `sha256:...`, they do
    not correspond to intermediate layers' ids

-   To be able to debug the problem as previously, you have to alter the
    `Dockerfile` by (1) naming the debugged stage if not yet done
    and (2) adding `FROM scratch` line just before the command you need
    to debug:

    ``` diff
    -FROM alpine
    +FROM alpine AS debug
     RUN date > /tmp/build-date.txt
    +FROM scratch
     RUN cat /tmp/build-dat.txt > /tmp/final-date.txt

-   Now you can set BuildKit to only consider `debug` target:

    ``` sh
    docker build --progress plain --target debug .

        #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
        #1 sha256:ffe58018ac4c453ce043471e51216f7528c1fe315a9a83fa1ad276df0ac9f8a6
        #1 transferring dockerfile: 157B done
        #1 DONE 0.1s

        #2 [internal] load .dockerignore
        #2 sha256:dda1a34cfb4f2eb8169d58953a937062de5c70a0ae78ca49118e49ea8279a7b7
        #2 transferring context: 2B done
        #2 DONE 0.2s

        #3 [internal] load metadata for
        #3 sha256:d4fb25f5b5c00defc20ce26f2efc4e288de8834ed5aa59dff877b495ba88fda6
        #3 DONE 0.0s

        #4 [debug 1/2] FROM
        #4 sha256:665ba8b2cdc0cb0200e2a42a6b3c0f8f684089f4cd1b81494fbb9805879120f7
        #4 DONE 0.0s

        #5 [debug 2/2] RUN date > /tmp/build-date.txt
        #5 sha256:684d70446f71e64256b21f59555e6fedc1eac55780675519af54f9e174fd16e1
        #5 CACHED

        #6 exporting to image
        #6 sha256:e8c613e07b0b7ff33893b694f7759a10d42e180f2b4dc349fb57dc6b71dcab00
        #6 exporting layers
        #6 exporting layers 0.4s done
        #6 writing image sha256:0846d70d4f562fa95835da5893cb53beb7f623cf228f57460bd298a0f87da680 0.0s done
        #6 DONE 0.5s

-   Finally you can start an interactive container by taking the hash
    value of the written image:

    ``` sh
    docker run -it 0846d70d4f562fa95835da5893cb53beb7f623cf228f57460bd298a0f87da680

# IMAS Docker

## General remarks

-   The IMAS Docker build project is available at as
-   It contains `ansible-container/`, `buildah/` and `docker/`
-   Only the last one is actively developed
-   The `Dockerfile` requires BuildKit as it uses `--mount=type=ssh`
-   This also means that if you want to build IMAS Docker, you need to
    configure SSH agent and add there the private key which gives access
    to projects


## ``

-   This Bash script accepts the following command line options:

        -f            disable cache (build everything from scratch)
        -u            build with UDA
        -c CPUs       number of CPUs [default=$(nproc)]
        -t target     build only one target

-   There are three auxiliary Bash functions defined:

    -   `latest_git_tag url blacklisted`. Returns the latest (in the
        meaning of `sort --version-sort`) tag in a git repository given
        with the `url`. If `blacklisted` is given, such tag will be
        ignored. For example, the UDA repository has tag
        `code_camp_cadarache` which should be ignored.
    -   `latest_stable_git_tag url`. As above, but the tag has to
        contain `stable` keyword (applicable for MDS+)
    -   `latest_released_git_tag url`. As above, but the tag has to
        contain `rel` keyword (applicable for Ant)

-   Next, in the `` script you can set either of these tags to
    specific values:

    ``` sh
    tag_al=4.8.7                        # FIXME: 4.8.7 is used by ETS
    tag_ant=1.10.6                      # FIXME: later versions of ant fail to build...
    tag_dd=3.31.0                       # FIXME: 3.31.0 is used by ETS
    tag_mdsplus=stable_release-7-96-15  # FIXME: later versions of mdsplus fail to build...
    tag_uda=2.3.1                       # FIXME: uda/2.3.1 is known to work well with uda-plugins/1.2.0
    tag_uda_plugins=1.2.0               # FIXME: uda/2.3.1 is known to work well with uda-plugins/1.2.0

-   All unset values will be checked using functions defined previously

## `files/{base,ual,kepler,fc2k,gui}`

-   There are several files used in `Dockerfile` available in `files/*`

    -   In `files/base` you can find `blas-ifort.pc` and
        `lapack-ifort.pc` files preconfigured for BLAS and LAPACK (they
        do not come with the upstream package, so they were crafted

    -   In `files/kepler` you can find modulefile for JAXFront (it also
        had to be crafted manually)

    -   In `files/{ual,kepler}` you can find `Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu`
        which is a configuration file used by IMAS Installer and Kepler

        -   In these files you select what to build e.g. you can switch
            off `gfortran` compilation of Fortran interface

    -   In `files/fc2k` you can find `install_Docker.Ubuntu.xml` and
        `settings_Docker.Ubuntu.xml` which control the installation and
        usage of FC2K

    -   In `files/{ual,kepler,fc2k}` you can find ``
        which is set to be the entrypoint of corresponding images. The
        role of these scripts is to load necessary modules (e.g. IMAS or
        UDA) and execute `imasdb test`

## `Dockerfile`


-   There are 14 stages in the `Dockerfile`, all based on Ubuntu 18.04

    -   `common-builder` has compilers and libraries for building
        Blitz++, HDF5 and MDS+. It installs CMake from GitHub, because
        the version in Ubuntu 18.04 repo is too old

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS common-builder

        ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

        RUN apt-get update \
            && apt-get install -y \
                curl \
                g++ \
                gfortran \
                git \
                libreadline-dev \
                libxml2-dev \
                make \
                openjdk-8-jdk-headless \
                openssh-client \
                python \
                tclsh \
            && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

        # Ubuntu 18.04 has old version of CMake, so blitz++ and hdf5 cannot be built -> install it manually
        ARG tag_cmake
        RUN curl -L${tag_cmake}/cmake-${tag_cmake#v}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz

    -   `blitz-builder` builds Blitz++ in `/opt/blitz`, `hdf5-builder`
        builds HDF5 in `/opt/hdf5`, `mdsplus-builder` builds MDS+ in

        ``` dockerfile
        # blitz-builder ###############################################################

        FROM common-builder AS blitz-builder

        # Ubuntu 18.04 does not have blitz++ -> have to install it manually
        ARG tag_blitz
        ARG cpus=1
        RUN curl -L${tag_blitz}.tar.gz | tar xz
        RUN mkdir blitz-${tag_blitz}/build \
            && cd blitz-${tag_blitz}/build \
            && /cmake-${tag_cmake#v}-linux-x86_64/bin/cmake \
                -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/blitz \
                .. \
            && make -j ${cpus} lib \
            && make install

        # hdf5-builder ################################################################

        FROM common-builder AS hdf5-builder

        # Ubuntu 18.04 packages hdf5 in a different way than IMAS expects it to be packaged
        ARG tag_hdf5
        ARG cpus=1
        RUN curl -L${tag_hdf5}.tar.gz | tar xz
        RUN mkdir hdf5-${tag_hdf5}/build \
            && cd hdf5-${tag_hdf5}/build \
            && /cmake-${tag_cmake#v}-linux-x86_64/bin/cmake \
                -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/hdf5 \
                .. \
            && make -j ${cpus} \
            && make install \
            && version=$(echo ${tag_hdf5} | sed -e 's/^hdf5-//' -e 's/_/./g') \
            && ln -s hdf5-${version}.pc /opt/hdf5/lib/pkgconfig/hdf5.pc \
            && ln -s hdf5_cpp-${version}.pc /opt/hdf5/lib/pkgconfig/hdf5-cpp-gnu.pc

        # mdsplus-builder #############################################################

        FROM common-builder AS mdsplus-builder

        ARG tag_mdsplus
        RUN curl -L${tag_mdsplus}.tar.gz | tar xz
        RUN cd mdsplus-${tag_mdsplus} \
            && ./configure --prefix=/opt/mdsplus \
            && make \
            && make install

    -   `imas-git-puller` pulls all repositories from git and it is the
        only stage that accesses SSH keys

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM common-builder AS imas-git-puller

        RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh \
            && chmod 700 /root/.ssh \
            && ssh-keyscan > /root/.ssh/known_hosts

        ARG tag_fc2k
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && git clone --single-branch -b ${tag_fc2k} ssh://

        ARG tag_uda
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && git clone --single-branch -b ${tag_uda} ssh://

        ARG tag_uda_plugins
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && git clone --single-branch -b ${tag_uda_plugins} ssh://

        ARG tag_kepler_installer
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && git clone --single-branch -b ${tag_kepler_installer} ssh://

        COPY files/kepler/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu /kepler-installer-site-config/
        ARG ver_kb
        ARG tag_kp
        ARG tag_kca
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && cd kepler-installer \
            && make update \
                SITECONFIG=/kepler-installer-site-config/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu \
                VER_KB=${ver_kb} \
                TAG_KP=${tag_kp} \

        ARG tag_installer
        ARG tag_dd
        ARG tag_al
        RUN --mount=type=ssh true \
            && git clone --single-branch -b ${tag_installer} ssh:// \
            && cd installer \
            && make checkout \
                TAG_DD=${tag_dd} \

        COPY files/ual/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu /installer/site-config/

    -   `base` contains a long list of applications, libraries and
        environment variables that will be used by any other `imas/*`

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS base

        ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

        RUN apt-get update \
            && apt-get install -y \
                autoconf \
                bsdtar \
                cmake \
                curl \
                doxygen \
                environment-modules \
                g++ \
                gawk \
                gcc \
                gfortran \
                git \
                libboost-dev \
                libboost-filesystem-dev \
                libboost-system-dev \
                libmemcached-dev \
                libopenmpi-dev \
                libreadline-dev \
                libsaxonhe-java \
                libssh-dev \
                libssl-dev \
                libxml2-dev \
                make \
                openjdk-8-jdk-headless \
                openmpi-bin \
                pkg-config \
                python3 \
                python3-dev \
                python3-pip \
                rsync \
                tclsh \
                tcsh \
                unzip \
                xinetd \
                xsltproc \
            && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
            && update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10 \
            && pip3 install \
                cython \
                numpy \
                matplotlib \
                setuptools \
                wheel \
            && ln --symbolic /usr/share/java/Saxon-HE.jar /usr/share/java/saxon9he.jar \
            && ln --symbolic /usr/sbin/xinetd /usr/local/sbin/xinetd \
            && ln --symbolic --force /bin/bash /bin/sh

        COPY --from=blitz-builder /opt/blitz /opt/blitz
        COPY --from=hdf5-builder /opt/hdf5 /opt/hdf5
        COPY --from=mdsplus-builder /opt/mdsplus /opt/mdsplus

        ENV CFLAGS=-pthread \
            CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/saxon9he.jar \
            CXXFLAGS=-pthread \
            HDF5_HOME=/opt/hdf5 \
            ITMSCRATCH=/tmp \
            JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 \
            LANG=C.UTF-8 \
            MDSPLUS_DIR=/opt/mdsplus \
        ENV CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=${HDF5_HOME}/include:${MDSPLUS_DIR}/include \
            C_INCLUDE_PATH=${HDF5_HOME}/include:${MDSPLUS_DIR}/include:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/include/linux:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/include \
            LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HDF5_HOME}/lib:${MDSPLUS_DIR}/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
            LIBRARY_PATH=${HDF5_HOME}/lib:${MDSPLUS_DIR}/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \

    -   `base-devel` adds Intel compilers on top of that and it uses
        them to compile BLAS and LAPACK

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM base AS base-devel

        COPY --from=intel/oneapi-hpckit:devel-ubuntu18.04 /opt/intel /opt/intel

        ARG tag_lapack
        ARG cpus=1
        RUN curl -L${tag_lapack}.tar.gz | tar xz \
            && . /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/ \
            && cd /lapack-${tag_lapack#v} \
            && cp INSTALL/ \
            && sed -i \
                -e 's/CFLAGS =.*/& -fPIC/g' \
                -e 's/FFLAGS =.*/& -fPIC/g' \
                -e 's/FFLAGS_NOOPT =.*/& -fPIC/g' \
                -e 's/LDFLAGS =.*/& -fPIC/g' \
            && make -j ${cpus} \
            && install -Dm644 librefblas.a /opt/blas/lib/librefblas.a \
            && install -Dm644 liblapack.a /opt/lapack/lib/liblapack.a \
            && install -d /opt/blas/lib/pkgconfig /opt/lapack/lib/pkgconfig \
            && ln -s librefblas.a /opt/blas/lib/libblas.a \
            && ln -s blas-ifort.pc /opt/blas/lib/pkgconfig/blas.pc \
            && ln -s lapack-ifort.pc /opt/lapack/lib/pkgconfig/lapack.pc

        COPY files/base/blas-ifort.pc /opt/blas/lib/pkgconfig/blas-ifort.pc
        COPY files/base/lapack-ifort.pc /opt/lapack/lib/pkgconfig/lapack-ifort.pc

        ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/opt/blas/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/lapack/lib/pkgconfig \

    -   `ual-devel` does the following: (1) compiles UDA and UDA
        Plugins, (2) compiles IMAS without Fortran interface, (3)
        compiles Fortran interface, (4) installs IMAS, (5) builds UDA
        Plugins again

        -   UDA has a cyclic dependency: IMAS requires UDA, UDA Plugins
            require IMAS
        -   Fortan interface takes the longest to compile and requires
            the most amount of RAM. If you have trouble building the
            image, set CPU count in parallel building to a smaller value
            (see `-c CPUs` in `` description)

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM base-devel AS ual-devel

        COPY --from=imas-git-puller /uda /uda
        COPY --from=imas-git-puller /uda-plugins /uda-plugins
        ARG with_uda
        ARG cpus=1

        ENV UDA_HOME=/opt/uda

        # build UDA
        RUN mkdir /opt/uda \
            && if test ${with_uda} = y; then \
                mkdir /uda/build \
                && cd /uda/build \
                && cmake \
                    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I/usr/include/libxml2 \
                    -DUDA_HOST=localhost \
                    -DUDA_PORT=56565 \
                    -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=true \
                    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${UDA_HOME} \
                   .. \
                && make -j ${cpus} \
                && make install \
                && sed -i 's/^Libs:.*/& -lmemcached/g' ${UDA_HOME}/lib/pkgconfig/uda-* \
                && cd ${UDA_HOME}/python_installer \
                && python install --prefix=${UDA_HOME} \
                ; \

        ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \
            LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \
            MODULEPATH=/etc/modulefiles:${UDA_HOME}/modulefiles \
            PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/pkgconfig \
            PYTHONPATH=${UDA_HOME}/lib/python3.6/site-packages \
            UDA_DISABLED=0 \
            UDA_IMAS_MACHINE_MAP=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaMachines.txt \
            UDA_IMAS_PLUGIN_MAP=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaMappings.txt \
            UDA_LOG=/tmp \
            UDA_LOG_LEVEL=ERROR \
            UDA_LOG_MODE=a \
            UDA_PLUGIN_CONFIG=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaPlugins.conf \
            UDA_PLUGIN_DIR=${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \

        # build UDA plugins
        RUN if test ${with_uda} = y; then \
                mkdir /uda-plugins/build \
                && cd /uda-plugins/build \
                && cmake \
                    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${UDA_HOME} \
                    '-DBUILD_PLUGINS:STRING=exp2imas;hl2a;imas_forward;imas_mapping;imas_partial;imas_remote;imas_uda;imasdd;iter_md;jet_equilibrium;jet_magnetics;jet_summary;mast_imas;source;tcv;tcvm;tore_supra;west;west_tunnel' \
                    .. \
                && make -j ${cpus} \
                && make install \
                && cat ${UDA_HOME}/etc/plugins/udaPlugins* \
                    | sed 's/, , WEST_TUNNEL::read()/, Use SSH tunnel, WEST_TUNNEL::read()/g' \
                    | sort -u > ${UDA_PLUGIN_CONFIG} \
                && echo 'JET  IMAS_MAPPING - -' >  ${UDA_IMAS_PLUGIN_MAP} \
                && echo 'MAST IMAS_MAPPING - -' >> ${UDA_IMAS_PLUGIN_MAP} \
                && echo 'WEST WEST_TUNNEL  - -' >> ${UDA_IMAS_PLUGIN_MAP} \
                && echo 'JET  * - EXP2IMAS'     >  ${UDA_IMAS_MACHINE_MAP} \
                && echo 'MAST * - IMAS_UDA'     >> ${UDA_IMAS_MACHINE_MAP} \
                && echo 'WEST * - WEST_TUNNEL'  >> ${UDA_IMAS_MACHINE_MAP} \
                ; \

        COPY --from=imas-git-puller /installer /installer
        ARG tag_dd
        ARG tag_al

        # compile everything but fortran
        RUN cd installer \
            && if test ${with_uda} = y; then . /etc/profile.d/ && module load uda && export IMAS_UDA=fat; fi \
            && make -j ${cpus} IMAS_FORTRAN=no GIT_OFFLINE=y SITECONFIG=/installer/site-config/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu TAG_DD=${tag_dd} TAG_AL=${tag_al}

        # compile fortran
        RUN cd installer \
            && . /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/ \
            && if test ${with_uda} = y; then . /etc/profile.d/ && module load uda && export IMAS_UDA=fat; fi \
            && make -j ${cpus} GIT_OFFLINE=y SITECONFIG=/installer/site-config/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu TAG_DD=${tag_dd} TAG_AL=${tag_al}

        # install everything
        RUN cd installer \
            && if test ${with_uda} = y; then . /etc/profile.d/ && module load uda && export IMAS_UDA=fat; fi \
            && make install -j ${cpus} GIT_OFFLINE=y SITECONFIG=/installer/site-config/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu TAG_DD=${tag_dd} TAG_AL=${tag_al}

        ENV MODULEPATH=${MODULEPATH}:/opt/imas/etc/modulefiles

        # build UDA Plugins again, so that now it finds IMAS
        RUN if test ${with_uda} = y; then \
                . /etc/profile.d/ \
                && module load IMAS \
                && mkdir /uda-plugins/build-with-imas \
                && cd /uda-plugins/build-with-imas \
                && cmake \
                    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${UDA_HOME} \
                    '-DBUILD_PLUGINS:STRING=exp2imas;hl2a;imas_forward;imas_mapping;imas_partial;imas_remote;imas_uda;imasdd;iter_md;jet_equilibrium;jet_magnetics;jet_summary;mast_imas;source;tcv;tcvm;tore_supra;west;west_tunnel' \
                    .. \
                && make -j ${cpus} \
                && make install \
                ; \

        COPY files/ual/ /
        ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
        CMD ["/bin/bash"]

    -   `kepler-devel` adds Ant, JAXFront and Kepler

        -   JAXFront is a licensed software and IMAS Docker uses the

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM ual-devel AS kepler-devel

        COPY files/kepler/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu /kepler-installer/site-config/
        COPY files/kepler/jaxfront /etc/modulefiles/

        COPY --from=imas-git-puller /kepler-installer /kepler-installer
        ARG ver_kb
        ARG tag_kp
        ARG tag_kca
        ARG tag_ant

        RUN curl -L${tag_ant}-bin.tar.xz | tar xJ -C /opt \
            && curl -L | bsdtar xf - \
            && mv JAXFront\ Eclipse\ Example\ Project /opt/jaxfront \
            && ln -s /opt/apache-ant-${tag_ant}/bin/ant /usr/bin/ \
            && cd kepler-installer/ \
            && . /etc/profile.d/ \
            && module load IMAS jaxfront \
            && make install GIT_OFFLINE=y SITECONFIG=/kepler-installer/site-config/Makefile.Docker.Ubuntu VER_KB=${ver_kb} TAG_KP=${tag_kp} TAG_KCA=${tag_kca} \
            && module load Kepler \
            && kepler_install -f default

        COPY files/kepler/ /

        ENV USER=root
        ENV KEPLER=${USER}/.local/Kepler/default/kepler

    -   `fc2k-devel` adds FC2K

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM kepler-devel AS fc2k-devel

        COPY files/fc2k/install_Docker.Ubuntu.xml /fc2k/config/
        COPY files/fc2k/settings_Docker.Ubuntu.xml /fc2k/config/

        COPY --from=imas-git-puller /fc2k /fc2k
        RUN cd fc2k \
            && . /etc/profile.d/ \
            && module load IMAS \
            && ln --symbolic --force /fc2k/config/settings_Docker.Ubuntu.xml /fc2k/config/settings_default.xml \
            && ant install -Dcfg.file=/fc2k/config/install_Docker.Ubuntu.xml

        COPY files/fc2k/ /

    -   `ual` starts from `base` image and copies from `ual-devel` all
        things built previously (BLAS, LAPACK, UDA, IMAS)

        -   This way the `ual` image is free of the `*-devel` software
            (i.e. the Intel compilers) and IMAS source codes

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM base AS ual

        COPY --from=base-devel /opt/blas /opt/blas
        COPY --from=base-devel /opt/lapack /opt/lapack
        COPY --from=ual-devel /opt/uda /opt/uda
        COPY --from=ual-devel /opt/imas /opt/imas

        ENV PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/opt/blas/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/lapack/lib/pkgconfig \
        ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \
            LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \
            MODULEPATH=/etc/modulefiles:${UDA_HOME}/modulefiles:/opt/imas/etc/modulefiles \
            PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${UDA_HOME}/lib/pkgconfig \
            PYTHONPATH=${UDA_HOME}/lib/python3.6/site-packages \
            UDA_DISABLED=0 \
            UDA_IMAS_MACHINE_MAP=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaMachines.txt \
            UDA_IMAS_PLUGIN_MAP=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaMappings.txt \
            UDA_LOG=/tmp \
            UDA_LOG_LEVEL=ERROR \
            UDA_LOG_MODE=a \
            UDA_PLUGIN_CONFIG=${UDA_HOME}/etc/udaPlugins.conf \
            UDA_PLUGIN_DIR=${UDA_HOME}/lib/plugins \

        COPY files/ual/ /
        ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
        CMD ["/bin/bash"]

    -   `kepler` extends it and copies from `kepler-devel`

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM ual AS kepler

        COPY files/kepler/jaxfront /etc/modulefiles/

        ARG tag_ant
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/apache-ant-${tag_ant} /opt/apache-ant-${tag_ant}
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/Kepler /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/Kepler
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/Keplertools /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/Keplertools
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/imas/extra/Kepler /opt/imas/extra/Kepler
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/imas/extra/Keplertools /opt/imas/extra/Keplertools
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /opt/jaxfront /opt/jaxfront
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /root/.local/Kepler /root/.local/Kepler
        COPY --from=kepler-devel /usr/bin/ant /usr/bin/ant

        ENV USER=root
        ENV KEPLER=${USER}/.local/Kepler/default/kepler

        COPY files/kepler/ /

    -   `fc2k` extends it and copies from `fc2k-devel`

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM kepler AS fc2k

        COPY --from=fc2k-devel /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/fc2k /opt/imas/etc/modulefiles/fc2k
        COPY --from=fc2k-devel /opt/imas/extra/fc2k /opt/imas/extra/fc2k

        COPY files/fc2k/ /

    -   `gui` extends it and adds XFCE4 and TigerVNC

        ``` dockerfile
        FROM fc2k AS gui

        # the password to VNC is imas
        COPY files/gui/passwd /root/.vnc/
        COPY files/gui/xstartup /root/.vnc/
        COPY files/gui/Kepler.desktop /root/Desktop/

        ARG tag_tigervnc
        RUN apt-get update \
            && apt-get install -y \
                xfce4 \
            && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        RUN curl -L${tag_tigervnc#v}/tigervnc-${tag_tigervnc#v}.x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz -C /opt
        CMD ["/opt/tigervnc-${tag_tigervnc#v}.x86_64/usr/bin/vncserver", "-fg", ":1"]

-   There are 7 images produced:

    -   `imas/ual-devel`
    -   `imas/kepler-devel`
    -   `imas/fc2k-devel`
    -   `imas/ual`
    -   `imas/kepler`
    -   `imas/fc2k`
    -   `imas/gui`

## `` and ``

-   The Bash script `` tags all images with registry prefix and
    pushes them there
-   The Bash script `` saves the non-devel images as `.tar.zst`
    in `/tmp` directory

Dockerfile graph

This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101052200—EUROfusion). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. The scientific work is published for the realization of the international project co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2021 from financial resources of the program entitled "PMW” 5218/HEU - EURATOM/2022/2