Supplementary information

The full presentation of the tool's capabilities can be found here:

1. Jira Software

Jira Software is dedicated tool designed to project management. Also allows tracking bugs, features or requests. Management is done through projects.

2. What is a Jira project?

Typically, a project can be defined as a collection of tasks that need to be completed to achieve a certain outcome. In Jira Software, a project can be thought of as a container used to organize and track those tasks, or issues, across the entire team.

3. Default issues owerview


Epic icon in Jira Software (purple thunderbolt)


Represents a larger body of work. Epics are often represented as a collection of multiple issues.
Example: Start a lemonade stand.

Task icon in Jira Software (light blue check mark)


Represents a task that needs to be done. Tasks are used as ‘catch-alls’ and when the work cannot be accurately represented by the other issue types.
Example(s): Make lemonade. Create sign. Set-up stand.

Story icon in Jira Software (green bookmark)


Represents a requirement expressed from the perspective of the user.
Example: As a lemonade enthusiast, I’d like to have a really cold, crisp drink.

Bug icon in Jira Software (red circle)


Represents a problem that needs to be fixed.
Example: The lemonade is too sour.

Subtask icon in Jira Software (blue interconnected squares)


Represents a more granular decomposition of the work required to complete a standard issue. A sub-task can be created for all issue types.
Example: Squeeze lemons.
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